August 2009
For Immediate Release:
Survey: Executives expect business conditions will improve in the second half of 2009.
DALLAS, Texas -- A recent survey conducted by Randall James Monroe, a Dallas-based global executive search consultancy, suggests the majority of corporate executives believe business conditions will improve in the second half of 2009. Fifty-eight percent (58%) of those responding feel conditions within their company will improve; 31% feel conditions will remain the same and only 11% believe conditions will worsen.
Healthcare executives showed the highest degree of optimism with 83% indicating business conditions will improve over the next six months. This was followed by Software/IT at 72%, Professional Services at 71% and Financial Services at 69%. Transportation executives reported the lowest optimism at 40%.
Outlook with regard to executive hiring in the second half of 2009 varies by industry. Overall, 17% of executives expect an increase in executive hiring; 69% feel it will remain at the current level and 14% expect decreased hiring. Forty percent (40%) of Healthcare executives surveyed expect hiring to increase during the remainder of the year, followed by Software/IT at 30% and Financial Services at 23%. Manufacturing was lowest at 12%.
“The majority of executives are gaining confidence in the business climate” noted Randall Neal, CEO of Randall James Monroe. “Overall, the results show that eighty-six percent (86%) of executives believe executive/senior level hiring will increase or stay the same and eighty-nine percent (89%) feel their business will improve or maintain its current level during the second half of 2009. Traditionally, new hiring lags behind improving business performance. Based on these numbers, you have the makings of the beginning of an improving business climate and job market.
The survey was emailed to approximately 1300 executives working within a cross section of companies throughout the country and 506 responses were registered. For more information about the survey, you may contact Randall James Monroe at 972-392-3200

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