June 15, 2009
For Immediate Release:
RJM Announces Corporate Appointment: Vice President – Western Division
DALLAS, Texas -- Randall James Monroe, Inc., a Dallas based global executive search consultancy announces the successful completion of the following executive search assignment for:
Vice President – Western Division Furmanite Corporation
Jeff Bertoni has been appointed Vice President Western Division for Furmanite Corporation. Previously, Bertoni was Western Region Vice President for Phillip Industrial Outsourcing which is part of Phillip Services Corporation / Phillip Industrial Outsourcing, LP – a national provider of environmental and industrial support services. During this time Bertoni was responsible for managing 13 locations and 600 employees throughout the Western Region of the U.S.
Furmanite Corporation is a leading industrial services and technology company both in the USA and internationally. With its more than 50 years of experience in industrial services, the client has successfully assisted Customers in a variety of industries. The company currently operates throughout the U.S. and North America, Europe, Latin America and Asia Pacific. The largest industry segments serviced by the company are power generation plants, petroleum refineries and other process industries. Currently, the company employs approximately 2000 employees and is headquartered in the Dallas - Fort Worth area.
RJM specializes in leadership, culture and chemistry fit. As a retained executive search consultancy, the firm brings four decades of experience in helping clients find and attract highly talented executives.

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