April 1, 2013
For Immediate Release:
RJM Announces Executive
Appointment —
President, EEM
Dallas Texas -- Randall
James Monroe, Inc., a Dallas based global
executive search consultancy announces the successful
completion of the following executive search
assignment for:
President —
Eastern European Mission
Bill Bundy has been appointed
President of EEM. Previously, Bundy was with
Fortune 100 giant United Parcel Service (UPS),
where he served as one of the leading officers
for its international operations and brings
significant financial and business leadership
experience which saw him promoted to his eventual
position as Senior Vice President for Europe,
Middle East and Africa.
As President of EEM, Bundy will oversee all
functional areas of the organization while working
closely with the Board of Directors and members
of the global operation. This includes delivering
the EEM message on a domestic and international
basis and fully optimizing the company's "mission"
in Eastern Europe. In Bundy's view, "EEM
has an unprecedented opportunity to change the
countries of Ukraine and Russia. Not because
of politics or war, but because of the transformative
power of God's word."
About Eastern European Mission
is a faith-based organization headquartered
in Dallas, Texas that is supplying Bibles and
Biblical literature in 20 languages, free of
charge to the people in the nations of the former
communist bloc. Public schools; entire states
at a time, in both Russia and Ukraine have requested
the Bible for their students. The leadership
of the Ukrainian national youth camp organization
has asked EEM to bring teams of Christians into
all of their 800 youth camps and teach the Bible.
In response, EEM has developed a program to
form teams to go into the youth camps to take
and teach the Bible to the children and staff.
It is noteworthy to mention that these are the
same camps that had previously taught communism
that now want the Bible. Furthermore, The Minister
of Education in Ukraine has asked for the Bible
to be taught in their schools nationwide as
Randall James Monroe, Inc.,
specializes in leadership, culture and chemistry
fit. As a retained executive search consultancy,
RJM brings more than five decades of collective
experience in helping client—companies
find and attract precisely the right person
to address specific business challenges and
capitalize on unique areas of opportunity.

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