March 11, 2008
For Immediate Release:
RJM Announces Corporate Appointment: President and Vice President
Dallas Texas -- Randall James Monroe, Inc., a Dallas based global executive search consultancy announces the successful completion of the following executive search assignments for:
President – Womack Machine Supply Company
Vice President, Human Resources
This engagement resulted in the appointment of Art Kostaras as President. Prior to joining Womack, Art was Executive Vice President for Siemens Airports, a leading manufacturer and turnkey provider of baggage handling and air cargo systems and services in North America.
In addition, this engagement resulted in the appointment of Kimberly Suddereth as Vice President, Human Resources. Prior to joining Womack, Kimberly was the Area Human Resources Director, Southwest for KPMG. Prior to KPMG she was the Human Resources Director, Central Cluster, for Nokia, Inc.
Womack Machine Supply Co. is known as the leading fluid power, industrial controls and automation distributor in the Southwest. With its more than 50 years of experience in industrial distribution, Womack has successfully assisted Customers solve hydraulic, pneumatic and industrial controls and automation problems.
Randall James Monroe, Inc., brings four decades of experience in helping companies acquire key executive talent on a worldwide basis.

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