February 27, 2008
For Immediate Release:
RJM Announces Corporate Appointment: Assistant Treasurer
February 27, 2008 -- Randall James Monroe, Inc., a Dallas based global executive search consultancy announces the successful completion of the following executive search assignment:
Assistant Treasurer – Texas Industries, Inc (TXI).
This engagement resulted in the appointment of Sharon Ellis. Prior to joining TXI, Ellis was Chief Financial Officer for The Container Store where she provided leadership and strategic guidance in a wide range of financial related activities for the company. Ellis is an exceptionally talented financial executive that will play a significant role for TXI in helping address a number of key initiatives and undertakings.
TXI is publicly a held company with close to $1B in revenues. The company produces cement, aggregates, and consumer products, including ready-mix concrete and other specialty aggregate products, through its CAC business. The company also produces sand, gravel, crushed limestone, well cements, shale, clay, and cement-treated materials used in paving.
Randall James Monroe, Inc., brings four decades of experience in helping companies acquire key executive talent on a worldwide basis.

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