February 19, 2015
For Immediate Release:
RJM Announces Chief Operating
Officer Appointment
Dallas Texas -- Randall
James Monroe, Inc., a Dallas based global
executive search consultancy announces the successful
completion of the following executive search
assignment for:
Chief Operating Officer - Mesilla Valley
Transportation (MVT)
This executive search assignment
resulted in the appointment of Blair Ewell as
Chief Operating Officer. Prior to joining MVT,
Blair was Senior Vice President for Interstate
Distributor Co., a leading provider of transportation
services headquartered in Tacoma, Washington.
Mesilla Valley Transportation is headquartered
in Las Cruces, New Mexico and one of the largest
locally-owned transportation providers in the
Southwest specializing in time sensitive service
between major manufacturing areas in the U.S.
and Canada and Mexico borders. Today the company
provides truck load services to a variety of
industries including automotive, electronics,
home improvement and general commodity.
RJM specializes in leadership, culture
and chemistry fit. The firm brings more than
six decades of experience in helping clients
find and attract highly talented leaders to
address specific business challenges and capitalize
on unique areas of opportunity.

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