Career Journal



Customer-Service Executives in Financial Services and Telecommunications

Average annual salary, bonus range and total cash compensation*


Compensation element

Director of customer-service call-center operations

Head of customer-service call-center operations**

Financial services

Telecommunications/ computer

Financial services

Telecommunications/ computer

Average salary $145,000 $130,000 $210,000 $167,100
Base salary range $100,000-175,000 $90,000-175,000 $150,000-300,000 $123,800-210,500
Average bonus -- 35% -- 44%
Bonus range 25-50% 25-40% 40-70% 30-100%
Stock options range 15,000-45,000 options 7,000-11,000 options (may also include $42,100 in incentive stock grants) 10,000-75,000 options (may also include long-term incentives and three- to four-year vesting period, worth $100,000-200,000) 9,000-25,000 options (may also include $55,000 in incentive stock grants)
Average total cash (base and bonus) $195,750


(excludes stock grants)



(excludes stock grants)

* Company revenues exceeding $1 billion annually.

** U.S. operations only.

Source: "Customer Service Executive Compensation Survey," 2001, The Broadmoor Group, L.L.C., Dallas.

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